Tip 1
Companies tend to be strictly hierarchical with major decisions being taken at the top and delegated down for implementation.
Tip 2
Many of the large conglomerates (chaebols) are family run companies where much of the power and ownership resides with the founder’s family.
Tip 3
Confucian ethics dominate Korean thought patterns and this translates in business terms into great respect for authority, age and seniority.
Tip 4
As well as formal functional hierarchy, many Korean companies have a strong informal hierarchy, which is based upon personal relationships and loyalties.
Tip 5
Confucian respect for authority dictates that managers will be respected simply because they are the manager.
Tip 6
Korean managers are expected to take a holistic interest in the well being of their staff – and this includes an interest in their personal life.
Tip 7
Initial contacts with Korea can amount to little more than preliminary, polite skirmishes, which are designed to commence the all-important process of relationship building.
Tip 8
The quality of relationship is of primary significance when working with Koreans. Do not jeopardise a relationship through impatience or making a key contact lose face.
Tip 9
Always show respect to senior people. Your trustworthiness and standing will, in part, be judged by your ability to create the right type of harmonious atmosphere.
Tip 10
Balance out the seniority of the two delegations. Senior people should be met by people of similar rank and standing.
Tip 11
Be sure to have all technical details and answers to hand. Do not be found lacking in preparation as this could also result in negative reactions.
Tip 12
Punctuality is of vital importance. Do not keep senior people waiting – it is extremely disrespectful.
Tip 13
If Koreans are to work effectively in a team, it is important to create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort. Making individuals within the team lose face will affect the morale of the whole team.
Tip 14
Although Koreans are restrained and reserved in most situations, they will occasionally show flashes of extreme emotion. If meetings begin to get heated it is probably best to retreat and try again later.
Tip 15
It is difficult to disagree openly and any disagreement will be very vaguely expressed. On the other hand, yes may not mean definite agreement but merely acknowledgement of comprehension.
Tip 16
Try to avoid any form of disagreement or situations which can result in loss of face on the other side such as pushing for quick decisions or asking for favours that cannot be delivered.
Tip 17
Be smartly and conservatively dressed and maintain good, upright body posture at all times in formal situations.
Tip 18
Gifts are important. Always take a supply of small, suitable gifts to distribute to key contacts. Always wrap gifts.
Tip 19
It is unusual to meet women in senior roles in Korea (except when working for foreign firms).
Tip 20
Senior western women will be accepted but may not be given the respect they feel their position merits. Do not be visibly offended by any perceived lack of esteem given.
This country-specific business culture profile was written by Keith Warburton who is the founder of the cultural awareness training consultancy Global Business Culture.
Global Business culture is a leading training provider in the fields of cross-cultural communication and global virtual team working. We provide training to global corporations in live classroom-based formats, through webinars and also through our cultural awareness digital learning hub, Global Business Compass.
This World Business Culture profile is designed as an introduction to business culture in South Korea only and a more detailed understanding needs a more in-depth exploration which we can provide through our training and consultancy services.
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