Tip 1
All aspects of life in Saudi are governed by an absolute belief in the teachings of Islam and an adherence to its tenets. No business deal will ever be discussed without reference to the Almighty and His Prophet Mohammed.
Tip 2
It goes without saying that the utmost respect must be given to such devoutly held religious beliefs and accommodations made to allow people to observe religious rituals of prayer and fasting.
Tip 3
As all things emanate from the will of Allah, a degree of fatalism and acceptance are inherent in the Saudi character. Things will or will not happen according to the will of God and not because of the actions of man. The meeting will take place tomorrow at nine o’clock – God willing.
Tip 4
Business is usually family-based with all senior positions filled by family members. Nepotism is the natural order of things and not something that needs to be explained to visitors.
Tip 5
This family-orientation leads naturally to the development of strong hierarchies with the oldest male relatives being at the head of the organisation.
Tip 6
Age is worthy of respect and honourable visitors will display respect to older people – therefore it is good to have some older heads amongst any delegation going to Saudi.
Tip 7
Try to find out the relationship tree of any company you wish to do business with. Power may not reside with a functional head if that head is not a family member or has poor relationships at the top.
Tip 8
Managers tend to lead through instruction and subordinates are not expected to show initiative. If is not requested, it may not get done.
Tip 9
Meetings can involve sitting in rooms with unknown people who are simultaneously meeting your contact. In effect, several meetings may take place at the same time.
Tip 10
Initial meetings can be very time-consuming and appear to deliver very little in terms of tangible returns.
Tip 11
Time is very flexible and meetings may start very late (if at all) and last for many hours. It is difficult to schedule a series of meetings on the same day.
Tip 12
Teams work well if birth or kinship associates everybody in the team. Teams of strangers rarely gel effectively.
Tip 13
It is important to offer lavish compliments to your host and that you are prepared to receive them in return.
Tip 14
Saudis do not like to say no or deliver negative news. It can be very difficult to fully understand exactly how interested people are in your propositions. Only perseverance and patience will reveal the true picture.
Tip 15
Loud and aggressive discourse denotes engagement and interest – not anger or hostility. Do not be frightened or worried if the noise levels in meetings start to grow.
Tip 16
Levels of eye contact are very strong and strong eye contact denotes sincerity and trustworthiness.
Tip 17
Avoid touching anybody with your left hand or pointing feet at people as both of these are seen as extremely rude behaviour.
Tip 18
Do not comment on the political situation in the Middle East or make any adverse comments about the influence of Islam.
Tip 19
Women play little or no active role in business life and it can be very difficult for women to even get a visa to enter the country on business.
Tip 20
Dress conservatively, but very smartly. You will be judged partly on your appearance.
This country-specific business culture profile was written by Keith Warburton who is the founder of the cultural awareness training consultancy Global Business Culture.
Global Business culture is a leading training provider in the fields of cross-cultural communication and global virtual team working. We provide training to global corporations in live classroom-based formats, through webinars and also through our cultural awareness digital learning hub, Global Business Compass.
This World Business Culture profile is designed as an introduction to business culture in Saudi Arabia only and a more detailed understanding needs a more in-depth exploration which we can provide through our training and consultancy services.
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