Tip 1
Relationships drive business in Japan. Without the right depth of relationships with the right people, it can be very difficult to achieve anything.
Tip 2
It is important to show respect appropriately. Age brings dignity and should be respected. It is probable, therefore, that more will be achieved with a delegation that contains some older members.
Tip 3
Try to be polite and diplomatic at all times. Avoid showing irritation, annoyance or impatience. These negative emotions could put a strain on the development of the relationship.
Tip 4
Avoid putting the Japanese in situations where they might be forced to lose face. Do not try to push for decisions or deadlines.
Tip 5
Decisions are arrived at through a lengthy consensus-building process. As it is almost impossible to speed up this process, patience is needed.
Tip 6
Perform as many favours for people as possible. Favours must always be repaid.
Tip 7
Be humble and apologetic rather than arrogant and brash. Modesty is a characteristic much admired whereas forwardness and being overly self-confident can be seen as childish behaviour.
Tip 8
As the Japanese are loath to say no or disagree, it can be very difficult to be completely confident that a decision or agreement has been reached.
Tip 9
Do not overestimate the levels of comprehension when speaking English in Japan. There are many fluent speakers of English but many people do not understand even when they indicate that they have.
Tip 10
Go over the same point several times from different angles to check the situation. Ask lots of open questions to test for understanding.
Tip 11
Oral agreements carry as much weight as written contracts. In a relationship-driven society, it is the quality of relationships which will determine events rather than legal niceties.
Tip 12
Do not speak well of yourself but be very positive about your organisation and the department or team to which you belong. Never make disparaging comments about your own company – even in jest.
Tip 13
Humour should be avoided during serious business meetings where it will be viewed as out of place. Humour will, in any case, probably not be comprehensible.
Tip 14
Avoid strong eye contact which can be seen as threatening or hostile behaviour.
Tip 15
Body language is minimal and it can be very difficult to gauge progress made or the general sentiment of a meeting.
Tip 16
Show an interest in your contact as a person. An interest in family, hobbies, health etc. can help to cement a relationship.
Tip 17
Always take gifts to give to key contacts. Gifts need not be too expensive but should always be wrapped.
Tip 18
Dress well, but conservatively. Appearance is very important and you are likely to be judged on how you look.
Tip 19
If entertaining, entertain as well as possible. Remember that a good deal of the relationship-building process takes place over meals.
Tip 20
If confused or in doubt when working in Japan, try not to react immediately. Try to buy some time and reflect on the situation overnight or seek advice from colleagues or other Japanese contacts.
This country-specific business culture profile was written by Keith Warburton who is the founder of the cultural awareness training consultancy Global Business Culture.
Global Business culture is a leading training provider in the fields of cross-cultural communication and global virtual team working. We provide training to global corporations in live classroom-based formats, through webinars and also through our cultural awareness digital learning hub, Global Business Compass.
This World Business Culture profile is designed as an introduction to business culture in Japan only and a more detailed understanding needs a more in-depth exploration which we can provide through our training and consultancy services.
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