Tip 1
Indonesian business characteristics are based firmly on the classic, Asian values of respect for hierarchy and people wishing to introduce a more matrix-oriented approach may find themselves struggling against the weight of history and culture
Tip 2
Always try to show respect for the hierarchy of the organisation you are dealing with, as well as the senior managers of that organisation. Try not to have middle-ranking employees from your company interfacing with the top-level managers from the Indonesian organisation.
Tip 3
Nepotism and cronyism are a fact of business life and it is essential to have the right contacts in the right places. It may be necessary to have locals make the initial introductions – and these introductions can prove expensive.
Tip 4
A combination of extreme dependency on hierarchy and nepotism has resulted in the development of extremely cumbersome bureaucracies. When dealing with these bureaucracies, patience is needed.
Tip 5
The manager is expected to take on the role of father with all the emotional and in-depth concern for subordinates that such a relationship entails. Respect for the manager comes from such bonding rather than from more task-oriented issues such as technical expertise.
Tip 6
Subordinates will give loyalty and dependability to those managers who are seen as worthy of respect.
Tip 7
Decision-making is either directional (coming from the boss) or, in peer to peer situations, is arrived at through lengthy consensus seeking discussions. The latter decision-making process can eat up a great deal of time but little can be done to speed up the process.
Tip 8
Meetings are usually formal occasions with formal body language and communication patterns used to try to create a sense of harmony and ease amongst the delegates.
Tip 9
Business cards are important and should be given out in a formal manner at the beginning of a meeting. Cards should contain as much information about you as possible.
Tip 10
Time seems to be less of an issue in Indonesia than in many other countries and it is not unusual for meetings to start late or finish late. (You could be kept waiting for up to an hour!
Tip 11
Contracts are seen as an expression of intent to do business rather than as an absolute statement. People expect the detail to evolve over time and would rarely refer back to the detail of an original agreement.
Tip 12
Never create a situation where a contact might lose face. This could jeopardise long-term business. Try to ensure that people are not placed in embarrassing or awkward situations.
Tip 13
English language levels are generally lower than in some neighbouring countries and translators may, sometimes, be needed. Take great care to speak clearly and use simple vocabulary.
Tip 14
Remain calm and composed at all times. Avoid any show of emotion during meetings and speak with a soft voice.
Tip 15
Try not to openly disagree with people as this can be interpreted as a lack of respect and will probably fracture the relationship. If you do not agree, keep coming back to the subject in a subtle, indirect way.
Tip 16
Do not assume that yes means yes. It could mean one of many things and can only be fully understood through gentle probing and questioning.
Tip 17
Expect to encounter more silences during meetings than in many other countries. Do not be stressed by these silences and allow the other side the time they need.
Tip 18
Gifts are often given and received. To avoid any whiff of corruption, give small, corporate-type gifts.
Tip 19
Many women work in Indonesia, often reaching positions of seniority. Female managers should maintain a professional, slightly detached manner with male colleagues.
Tip 20
Be aware of the usual Muslim sensitivities towards such issues as alcohol, pork, being touched by the left hand etc.
This country-specific business culture profile was written by Keith Warburton who is the founder of the cultural awareness training consultancy Global Business Culture.
Global Business culture is a leading training provider in the fields of cross-cultural communication and global virtual team working. We provide training to global corporations in live classroom-based formats, through webinars and also through our cultural awareness digital learning hub, Global Business Compass.
This World Business Culture profile is designed as an introduction to business culture in Indonesia only and a more detailed understanding needs a more in-depth exploration which we can provide through our training and consultancy services.
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