Tip 1
Germans are uneasy with uncertainty and ambiguity. They like to analyse problems in great depth before reaching a conclusion and are uncomfortable with feelings or hunches in the business setting.
Tip 2
In-depth, long-term planning is both expected and respected. Such planning helps, in large measure, to shape the future.
Tip 3
The greatest amount of respect is due to the person with the greatest depth of technical merit. Therefore, education is highly prized.
Tip 4
Once decisions have been made, everybody is expected to carry them out without question, regardless of their agreement or disagreement with the original decision.
Tip 5
The boss is expected to know his/her subject and gives clear leadership. As there is a strong respect for authority, subordinates will rarely contradict the boss in public.
Tip 6
Outbursts of emotion in the workplace (anger, frustration etc.) are seen as signs of weakness and lack of professionalism.
Tip 7
Employees expect to be given precise, detailed instructions regarding specific tasks, but then expect to be left to carry them out without undue interference or supervision.
Tip 8
Relationships between bosses and subordinates tend to appear somewhat formal.
Tip 9
Appraisal systems are difficult to implement. Germans are expected to perform their tasks professionally and correctly. Why should positive feedback be necessary?
Tip 10
German companies tend to be hierarchical and departmentalised. Each department seems to guard its power base and information is expected to flow through proper channels.
Tip 11
Teams built across hierarchical lines tend to be difficult to arrange and manage as they interfere with the normal structures and rules.
Tip 12
Meetings tend to be formal, unless on a one-to-one basis. If you want to find out opinions, possible trends of thinking etc., it is often more successfully done in an informal one-to-one meeting.
Tip 13
Germans will usually arrive extremely well-prepared-for meetings with all the facts and figures at their disposal. The idea of attending an important meeting with no firm opinion would be quite unusual.
Tip 14
The truth does not lie in a compromise or middle ground between two conflicting ideas. Compromising can be seen as weakness, diffidence or uncertainty.
Tip 15
It is better to say nothing than to comment on topics about which you have no particular knowledge or expertise.
Tip 16
Internal information flow is top-down on a need-to-know basis. It is expected that superiors are better informed than others are.
Tip 17
More reliance is placed on the printed than the spoken word and it is always important, therefore, to put information, decisions etc. in writing.
Tip 18
Humour is generally out of place in the workplace. You should certainly avoid humour in all difficult or important business situations. However, when socialising with Germans you will find that they are as keen to enjoy themselves as you are.
Tip 19
Punctuality is important – do not be guilty of stealing time.
Tip 20
Germans may seem extremely formal – even amongst themselves. This over-formality is a sign of respect as is using the formal Sie and Herr or Frau with people they may have known for many years.
This country-specific business culture profile was written by Keith Warburton who is the founder of the cultural awareness training consultancy Global Business Culture.
Global Business culture is a leading training provider in the fields of cross-cultural communication and global virtual team working. We provide training to global corporations in live classroom-based formats, through webinars and also through our cultural awareness digital learning hub, Global Business Compass.
This World Business Culture profile is designed as an introduction to business culture in Germany only and a more detailed understanding needs a more in-depth exploration which we can provide through our training and consultancy services.
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