Posted on June 11, 2019 by Keith Warburton under Global Expansion, International Expansion, Market Entry
International expansion is becoming increasingly possible and common for US-based businesses due to the huge availability of information and the ability to connect to anyone in the world, all through the internet. The internet connects the world, which makes expanding to any part of the globe far easier than it was just a couple of […]
Posted on April 17, 2019 by Giuseppe Baggiani under business culture, communication, Virtual Teams, Virtual Working, Virtual Working Tools
I am part of a team whose members are in the UK, the Netherlands and Australia. We have been in the same room only once, but we are perfectly aligned; we communicate regularly using different types of technology; we share clear targets, a common understanding of our behaviours, we enjoy talking to each other and […]
Posted on February 14, 2019 by Zach Hoffman under American Football, business culture, Global Business Culture, international environment, Team success
The position of Quarterback is the most magnified and influencing position in all of sports. In the sport of American Football, the quarterback acts as the overall leader of the team on the field along with being the CEO off the field. The quarterback is responsible for success when the team is winning, along with […]
Posted on November 14, 2018 by Keith Warburton under brexit, Global Business Culture
Quite naturally the British media is awash with commentary on when Article 50 should be triggered, what the UK’s negotiating position should be and what deal would be acceptable to a divided domestic electorate; key Brexit drivers. Even from a solely UK perspective, the up-coming negotiations look complex – and we are one nation, seeking […]
Posted on October 2, 2018 by Keith Warburton under equality, India, women, Women in Business
Historically, India has been a largely male-dominated society in terms of social and cultural values. In the last century, though, with the move away from the traditional insistence on religious customs and ideals, and with the increase of secondary and tertiary female education, India has made much progress towards a more equal and accepting society. […]
Posted on June 13, 2017 by Keith Warburton under Cultural Fluency
I really believe this statement is true if any person is to be able to work really effectively across the barriers of culture, language, geography and time. The basic problem is that people are not born with an innate understanding of how business works in areas of the globe they don’t know and maybe have […]
Posted on June 13, 2017 by Keith Warburton under Global Communication
Like it or not, English is the common global language adopted by most international companies. The trouble is that language levels in English vary around the world – even within one organisation. Native speakers often assume that ‘if somebody is working in my company, they have to have really high levels of English.’ This is […]
Posted on September 28, 2016 by Keith Warburton under Global Digital Strategy
The internet and digital marketing bring the world to our door and make access to new markets infinitely easier – or that is the current perceived wisdom. Things might not, however, be that straightforward. The first, and pretty obvious, caveat to the notion that digital makes global access more easily attainable is that if digital […]
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